How does the MRI scanner

MRI scanner, MRI scan, MRI brain scan, MRI

Traditional machine, which is used in the MRI study is a large cylindrical tube, which is surrounded by a circular magnet. You will lie on a moving plane, which will slide to the center of the magnet.
Some MRI devices, so-called short-bore systems, are designed so that the magnet does not completely surround you, some devices are open on the sides. Such devices are very much in demand by patients who are afraid of enclosed spaces or for those who suffer from obesity. Newer types of devices for the MRI images provide high-quality research. Open MRI scanner with older magnets may not provide the same level of quality.
MRI scanner, MRI scan, MRI brain scan, MRI
Some types of research can not be done using an open MRI scanner. For more information, you should consult with your doctor.
Host computer, which processes the information received from the pictures, is in a separate room from the scanner.

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What can an MRI detect

What can an MRI detect, MRI, MRI brain scan, MRI brain, MRI of the head, MRI, head MRI, brain MRI

- Traumatic brain injury (research performed after CT);
- Acute ischemic stroke (6-12 hours from onset);
- In an emergency postoperative patients.

- Malformations;
- Suspicion of a brain tumor or its membranes;
- Diagnosis of degenerative or demyelinating disease;
- Diagnosis of focal processes in the brain after suffering a cerebrovascular accident;
- Diagnosis of inflammatory processes in the brain and its membranes;
- Assessment of the state of the brain after traumatic brain injury;
- Evaluation of the results of surgical treatment of diseases of the brain;
- Pituitary disease detection;

MRI scan is the method of choice in the evaluation of brain structures, localized below gallop cerebellum.

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What is an MRI scan

MRI brain scan, MRI brain, MRI of the head, MRI, head MRI, brain MRI, MRI scanner
MRI brain scan, or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain - a method of obtaining images without the use of X-rays and radiation. The patient is placed in a strong magnetic field, which leads to the fact that all the hydrogen atoms in the body align themselves parallel to the magnetic field. At this point, the device sends an electromagnetic signal is perpendicular to the main magnetic field. The hydrogen atoms that have the same frequency of the signal, "excited" and generate a signal that is detected by the device. Different types of tissues (bone, muscle, blood vessels, etc.) have a different number of hydrogen atoms and so they generate a signal with different characteristics. MRI scanner detects these signals, decodes them and builds the image. Magnetic resonance imaging performed in different planes, which produces not only float, but the frontal, sagittal, and even oblique slices. Most importantly, the imaging is harmless, since the study is not related to radiation. Due to the above advantages, it is recommended to start with an MRI study of the brain in most chronic and some acute lesions.

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MRI brain or head?

MRI brain scan, MRI brain, MRI of the head, MRI, head MRI, brain MRI
MRI of the head - a technique that allows you to assess the condition of the brain, orbits, temporal bones, sinuses. For the study of the brain adult MRI is the "gold standard."
For practical purposes, separate isolated brain MRI, which assesses the shell parenchyma liquorodynamic system of the brain. Studied in detail the state of the cortex and white matter, basal ganglia, brainstem structures, the cerebellopontine angle, the cranio-vertebral junction. Also in this study describes certain areas of research that can be independent study.
This is the pituitary, the study of which is determined by its size, differentiation and structure. The position of legs pituitary condition suprasellar cisterns, chiasm optic nerve, cavernous sinus and internal carotid arteries at the level studied.
This temporal bone, which assess the state of the pyramids, the width of the internal auditory canals, state 8 pairs of cranial nerves, the internal structure and the middle ear, mastoid pneumatization of the temporal bone.
This orbit, which assess the condition of the walls, muscles, retrobulbar fat, eyeballs, including the sclera, cornea, anterior chamber and vitreous.

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Advantages of MRI brain scan

Advantages of MRI brain scan
Historically, the use of MRI scan was to study the brain, opening new horizons in the diagnosis of neurological diseases. MRI was the only method to visualize the plaques of multiple sclerosis and to determine the activity of inflammatory demyelination. To date, MRI scan has become the main method of brain imaging, pushing into the background computed tomography (CT). Modern techniques of MRI brain can provide information about blood flow at the capillary level (perfusion MRI) to quantify the movement of water molecules through the cell membrane (diffusion MRI), to determine the concentration of metabolites in the brain or brain tissue to measure the pH, to visualize the course of pathways of the brain, such as corticospinal tract (MR tractography) to map functional areas of the cerebral cortex, such as motor or speech cortex (fMRI). The application of new MRI features can significantly improve the treatment of patients with brain tumors, including by determining the area of greatest malignancy for its stereotactic biopsy, as well as modeling and planning of invasive surgery with preservation of the vital functions of the brain.

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