MRI brain scan, or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain - a method of obtaining images without the use of X-rays and radiation. The patient is placed in a strong magnetic field, which leads to the fact that all the hydrogen atoms in the body align themselves parallel to the magnetic field. At this point, the device sends an electromagnetic signal is perpendicular to the main magnetic field. The hydrogen atoms that have the same frequency of the signal, "excited" and generate a signal that is detected by the device. Different types of tissues (bone, muscle, blood vessels, etc.) have a different number of hydrogen atoms and so they generate a signal with different characteristics. MRI scanner detects these signals, decodes them and builds the image.
Magnetic resonance imaging performed in different planes, which produces not only float, but the frontal, sagittal, and even oblique slices. Most importantly, the imaging is harmless, since the study is not related to radiation. Due to the above advantages, it is recommended to start with an MRI study of the brain in most chronic and some acute lesions.
MRI brain is prescribed for a variety of diseases, for example in cases of congenital anomalies, pathology sella, pituitary gland, orbits, etc.
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