For practical purposes, separate isolated brain
MRI, which assesses the shell parenchyma liquorodynamic system of the brain.
Studied in detail the state of the cortex and white matter, basal ganglia,
brainstem structures, the cerebellopontine angle, the cranio-vertebral
junction. Also in this study describes certain areas of research that can
be independent study.
This is the pituitary, the study of which is
determined by its size, differentiation and structure. The position of legs
pituitary condition suprasellar cisterns, chiasm optic nerve, cavernous sinus
and internal carotid arteries at the level studied.
This temporal bone, which assess the state of
the pyramids, the width of the internal auditory canals, state 8 pairs of
cranial nerves, the internal structure and the middle ear, mastoid
pneumatization of the temporal bone.
This orbit, which assess the condition of the
walls, muscles, retrobulbar fat, eyeballs, including the sclera, cornea,
anterior chamber and vitreous.
This sinuses, which assessed the development,
the state of the walls, pneumatization, for content. Assesses the frontal, the
principal, the maxillary sinus, ethmoid cells, also draws attention to the
condition of the nasal cavity, nasal turbinate, nasal septum, the nasal cavity
and oropharynx.